Monday, December 11, 2006

About Flowchart

I am not sure whether my briefing on Flowcharting is clear to students. I am putting a slide to guide them on Flowcharting and Storyboarding. Here is the link:

I have mentioned that the appropriate use of FLOWCHART SYMBOL is important, for example, the common mistake done by students are the DIAMOND symbol and the also the PROCESS symbol. For the DIAMOND symbol, that is the decision icon, it must contain 3 flowlines, 1 branch in and two branch out with a label Yes and No. The text in the DIAMOND symbol usually is written in Question format. For example: To QUIT? By having a simple symbol and labels as described above, your users are able to undertand that in fact the program need the user to make a decision, whether to quit or not to quit. If user chooses to quit, the a process of quiting can be drawn (in rectangle shape), otherwise the flowline can flow to MAIN MENU (in rectangle shape).

Talking about the process symbol, it need to be in rectangle shape, NOT ROUNDED rectangle. Some ROUNDED rectangles look like oval shape, so I strongly recommend rectangle rather than rounded rectangle shape.

Also, the flowline can actually flow to anywhere you want. Hence, you do not need to draw again the main menu process at the bottom of your flowchat. The flowline can flow to to TOP, to reach main menu. Otherwise, you can use CONNECTOR symbol (circle) to indicate that the flowline will be connected to A or B or etc.

I hope all are clear on FLOWCHARTING as it is a useful tool or approach to indicate the FLOW of everything.

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